[V8] 90 V8 vs 89 200TQ

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 9 13:38:28 EDT 2007

Keith did the same conversion for a guy. Pics maybe on
the germanautoconnection web site still.


--- Kneale Brownson <knealeski at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> It's been quite a while since I drove a 5ktq and
> almost as long since I tried out a 10-valve 200, but
> what I recall is that those cars had much more
> compliant suspensions than either the 200q20vs that
> I drive daily or the V8s I drive maybe weekly, and
> the V8s seem a tad tighter than the 20-valvers, but,
> admittedly, my main daily driver needs a total
> suspension inserts replacement.  
>   The V8 bodies are not only stiffer and heavier,
> they also carry a much greater amount of sound
> deadening material.  That probably contributes to
> the overall driving experience.
>   The V8 engine in a 200 body should be
> significantly quicker than the I5 10-valve.  I've
> not driven a 5-speed V8, so I don't know how that
> would go.  The main reason I drive the 20v cars and
> leave the V8s to my wife is I like the participation
> involved in doing the shifting.  The V8s are almost
> as quick as the 20-valvers unless you chip them :~).
>   I don't recall anyone transplanting a V8 into a
> 200.  The engines aren't a lot different in weight,
> but the bodies and trannies differ quite a bit.
> John Gourley <azaudi at gmail.com> wrote:
>   Question for you who have or have had both a V8
> quattro and a 89-90 200TQ.
> I have read so much on this list about how you all
> really enjoy your
> V8...makes me want one! What are the things that
> stand out about the V8
> compared to the 89-90 200TQ. Is it the V8 engine..
> does the car drive and
> handle better than the 200TQ?
> I recently picked up a 1990 V8, still having a hard
> time getting the title
> straightened out. I'm in Arizona, the title is
> Minnesota. The title had
> been signed over to suit Minnesota requirements but
> Arizona MVD wants
> another signature, my problem is tracking down the
> previous owner.
> So I have been pondering, maybe take the engine out
> of the V8 and put it in
> a 1989 200TQ I have (that car is lacking an engine,
> otherwise all there).
> By putting the V8 engine into the 200TQ, and of
> course in the process
> gaining a 5 speed..........will the 200 with the V8
> engine come close to how
> the V8 quattros drive and handle, or are there
> things about the 90 V8
> package that can't be touched by my type 44 with the
> V8 engine?
> The bottom line...looking for opinions on whether to
> continue my title chase
> for the 90 V8 and put it on the road..........OR do
> a V8 engine conversion
> on my 89 200TQ?
> Both cars are pearl white w/black interior. The
> 200TQ has an excellent
> body, not even any dings. The V8 is ding free but
> does have a few small
> spots of light surface "Minnesota rust".
> Any opinions are very welcome.............thanks
> much!
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