[V8] 90 V8 vs 89 200TQ

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Sun Jun 10 15:01:52 EDT 2007

RockinV8Q at aol.com writes:

> ignition switch failure, its been problem free.... Oddly the  
> notorious V8 hot  running issues don't happen with the avant. I put
that down to  the 
> Electric fan setup on the car.

I changed the chip in the console and it resolved the problem.  It seems
the chip has failed again (it's been about 10 years), instead of
replacing, I'd rather just convert to a simple relay/temp switch setup. 
I remember seeing a SIMPLE schematic on how to do this on one of the
Qlists, anyone still have a copy?  

> in that you have to beat on it to have any fun.

That's true of so many things.... ;-)

> on/drove many examples of each. Other than the CIS injection the 
> 200q10v  has few disadvantages vs a 3.6 V8 that cant be addressed and 
> during normal upkeep. 

I don't consider the CIS a disadvantage, every CIS equipped car I've had,
(including a few Benz's) have been balls on reliable.  The ONE problem I
had with CIS was on the 200TQA, but that was caused by a mechanic before
I bought it.  Long story short, loose ground wires were the problem, one
techs "solution" was to put a wrong fuel distributor in the car.  
Sat down with MikeL from this list when I bought it, remember us both
shaking our heads in disbelief as we saw one invoice after another from
the dealer for big $$$$, yet they never solved the cars problems.  The
coolant light fix I have on my web site was a problem the car had when it
was under warranty, I guess the previous owner learned to live with it,
since it still had the problem when I bought it.

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