[V8] horizontal V8s

Ingo Rautenberg ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com
Tue Jun 19 09:47:44 EDT 2007

Hmm.  I believe the car was pointing rear down, no?  Garage at top,  
right? Yeah, 45 degrees is very steep.  Part of mine is at about 40  
degrees, but I try to keep mine at less than 20 degrees ;-)  But mine  
is facing down.


On Jun 19, 2007, at 1:41 AM, urq wrote:

> 45 degrees is pretty steep ... and your engine is probably pretty well
> topped up on oil ... I suspect that the oil tipped up far enough to  
> creep
> past the rings in the front cylinder(s) which burned off when you  
> started
> the engine.
> I own a horizontally mounted I4 engine in my motorcycle (BMW  
> k1) ... the
> BMWs are well known to blow a blue smoke screen when left on the  
> side stand
> and oil works up into the cylinder(s).  I usually use the center  
> stand,
> which holds the engine flat, but there has been more than once that  
> I've
> experienced the blue cloud after having leaned the engine over head- 
> side
> down by using the side stand.
> Hey, maybe your engine just wants to reminisce about the marque's  
> history
> ... the old Auto Union 2-strokes were known to burn a bit of  
> oil ... :-)
> Steve B
> San Jose, CA (USA)
> -----Original Message-----
> the heads are brand new! I have about 1000 miles on
> a full valve job with new guides and seals - and new rings.
> I thought
> about that short/cold cycle thing - but why then don't other motors do
> that?
> Do the 16V 4-banger motors which use basically the same head do
> this?
> My driveway is very steep - maybe in the 45 degree range.
> I suspect oil gets into the breather system somehow - there simply  
> was not
> enough time even with old hard valve seals for this to leak down that
> much. Maybe due to the shear volume of oil and the relative shortness
> (height) of the block? Tip it back far enough and those ten quarts  
> have to
> go somewhere. That is all I can come up with.
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