[V8] Power Steering Hoses

Kneale Brownson knealeski at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jun 20 15:50:26 EDT 2007

If you're talking about V8 banjo bolts, there should be "round seals" otherwise known as O-rings sealing them, not the crush washers used on earlier cars.  The Bentley recommends changing the O-rings, but I've had pumps and hoses out repeatedly without replacing them and not had a leak at any sealed site like that.   They don't seem to get hard like the O-rings inside the pump.  If they're hard instead of resilient, I'd replace.
  Look for the nonperforated type of hose clamp if you can find them small enough.  The perforated type tend to cut into the hose.  The local West Marine outlet carries all-stainless unperforated hose clamps, but not always the really small ones.  Nice thing is they have a metric screw head.

rudedog714 <rudedog714 at alaska.net> wrote:
  Well, I'm finally getting around to my Pentosin leak. But I'm wondering if those banjo bolts and washers on the hoses can be re-used or do I need to get new ones? I'm also assuming that some hose clamps are fine to connect the hoses back to the fluid resevoir. 

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