[V8] Brake on The Wild Side, or a song by another name...

Roger M. Woodbury rmwoodbury at adelphia.net
Fri Jun 29 21:05:58 EDT 2007

Well, you see I am getting close.  I will be "armed and dangerous" and on
the hunt for another V8 sometime next month.  There are a couple of likely
suspects ...er...prospects at the moment, and I am back from being depressed
that all the "good ones" might be gone for good.  Maybe not.

So.  I was speaking with my favorite wrench today. He is excited about my
getting another V8.  "I like nice cars, you know," he said.  I told him
another 4.2.  

And he asked, "UFO's?".  

All of which brought me to the question:  I wonder if it is possible to
replace otherwise fairly anemic late V8 brakes with UFO's?

You see, I have The Black Mariah that although I have tried to sell it, she
seems to want to stay around.  And she has UFO's.  And they worked
WONDERFULLY.  So, I wonder how difficult it would be to swap the existing
brakes on the new and as yet found, V8, to UFOs?  

The advantages are obvious.  First of all, the car retains its absolute
stock ride height and road clearance, which are of relative importance to
me.  Secondly, the same wheels can be retained, and although I fantasize
about some 16" wheels with neat TSW wheels, considerations to budgetary
sanity may prevail.  So also the reason why Porsche Big Reds may not work,
although I wonder if fitting 928 S4's is possible.  And yeah, I know about
BIRA, but stock is good, too.

So?  UFO's anyone?


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