[V8] Top speed of a '90 V8Q

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 10:03:57 EST 2007

Just out of curiosity, what brakes was that car equipped with at the time?


On 3/8/07, Ron Wainwright <ron_01056 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I had my ol Pearl 90 v8 close to 150mph. but I had a 5
> series BMW behind me ;-)
> I was exiting one HW to get onto the local HW that
> brings me to my ex to get home. While exiting the one
> HW there is a nice sweeping corner that's rated at
> 50mph..I like doing it at 80mph'ish..but I'm rounding
> the corner & from the pass side rear view mirror I see
> some Exons comming fast! So after straightning out
> from the sweeping curve I peep these bright lights
> comming fast. So I change to Sport mode..figured
> something was going to happen ;->
> So I start to gain some speed & the BMW is behind me
> now & were doing 100mph. I still had plenty of pedel
> left, so
> the guy gets to the middle lane & I see him look over
> & I floored it! Dumped all kinds of crap out the rear
> of the Stebro..but the Stebro ROARED, & off we went.
> Prolly for about 4 miles it's 3 lanes, then for the
> additional 5 miles it goes to 2 lanes after an uphill
> sweeping left. But we were side by side doing 130, & I
> still had some pedel left & finally got the edge on
> him doing 145'ish. I glanced down at the speedo & it
> was getting 10 the far reaches of the speedo..the
> RPM's were crazy.
> But I tell you the high rate of speed I was going was
> very smooth! I felt in controll the whole time.
> These V8's are simpley great!

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