[V8] thanks.... to you all

Peter Littlewood littlepete_19 at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 12 20:38:51 EDT 2007

Hi all..

Just want to say a big thanks to everyone who has helped me out over the 
last few years with my V8. I've had the Dutchess for 7 years and I've picked 
up a few gems of info myself but have always needed the advice & wisdom from 
you guys to insure that the journey we have had has been as pleasant as 
So, in short, if you have responded to my requests and I have not thanked 
you for it ... I'm sorry. All I know is at the moment I've got a kick ass 
old school Audi V8 that can wipe the floor with my mates BMW 330ci!!!!

childish I know..
but so what
Thanks again to all those who remember me.

Duthcess 3.6 V8Q
UK spec

P.S the Youtube clip I posted was of  my mates wagon that was leaving a BMW 
M5 behind.
He had to got to a dealer to get his speed limiter reset.  Once the limiter 
had been activated it had to go back to the main stealer to be reset to keep 
his waranty valid!!!

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