[V8] FP Precautions

S_Matus scott_matus at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 14 16:10:26 EDT 2007

I have been burned by gasoline in the past (Buring leavers  a lot faster).  So I think any saftey measures are important for me to follow.

I'm doing this job outside.  I have an explosion proof NMSA flashlisht, or something like that.

I will remove carpet ans use a body ground (Human).

I machined a tool for removing the Sender unit lock plate from an ABS Plumbing fitting. So no sparks here.


------------ Original -----------

Message: 9
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 11:24:51 -0800 (PST)
From: "d saad" <dsaad at icehouse.net>
Subject: Re: [V8] FP Removal
To: "V8" <v8 at audifans.com>
 <5320. at webmail.icehouse.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

I would go one step farther, and ground the car body to the floor - 
hang a
chain or connect to a water pipe or something. 
Next, ground yourself
to the car. Pay attention to the type of clothes you wear, remove the
carpet floor mat in the trunk, etc.
Use an explosion proof flash
light (or don't turn it on/off near the tank). Best not to use an 
trouble light with an incandesent bulb. Too easy to break it.

know it all seems like overkill - but you will feel awfully silly if 
ignite the fumes in the tank while your arm is in there.



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