[V8] You only go around once...WAS: Roger.

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Sat Mar 31 04:58:38 EDT 2007

 "Ed Kellock" <ekellock at gmail.com> writes:

> No question it's probably a _great_ value, but it's a bunch softer 
> and more average in terms of driver enthusiasm, and newer, lower
> examples

> GF, even if just to have a bit more variety in the stable if nothing 
> else.

I've caught myself putting in bids and offers on 12 cylinder Teutonic
beasts sans the 4 rings lately.  Either it's a mid life crisis or the
realization that you only go around once.  I forgot who it was who said
that anyone who is anyone and can, owes it to themselves to own a 12
cylinder once in their existence (I think it was Patrick Bedard from R &
T commenting on the Countach.)  Having worked on and driven my share of
12+ cylinder cars that will never make any rational sense whatsoever, I
am in total agreement with this sentiment.

If you should see 2 low mileage V8Q's, one high mileage V8Q with a new
trannie and a 200TQA in the marketplace with my moniker on them you'll
know I lost my mind or gave in to pure animal lust and am waking up to a
12 jug convertible looking up at me from the driveway every
morning....just thinking out loud.  Man, I suspect I've been poking the
Audi gods (better known as the 300 Spartans) with a sharp stick once too
often since I sent the '84 5KS to Valhalla. 
Hit any key to continue, or any other key to quit.

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