[V8] The Audi S5: A $59000 NOPE!

Ingo Rautenberg ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com
Sat May 12 12:56:31 EDT 2007

Hmm.  To each his own, I guess.  I was just reading the review of the
new A5 and S5 in this week's Autoweek and the author (OK, a woman)
wrote that it's the most gorgeous thing in person, that everything is
just so well proportioned and cohesive ('cept the led lights that
mimic eyebrows).  Walter de Silva, who designed the car, has said it's
the most beautiful car he's ever designed (and he also penned the
Novolari concept car) -- Piech took him from Alfa Romeo and he now
heads the design at VW.  Of course, he's also responsible for the new
grill design which you so despise, so I guess that makes sense.  I
also think it looks better in person than in the photographs.



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