[V8] The Audi S5: A $59000 NOPE!

Coleman, David David.Coleman at blackrock.com
Sun May 13 22:14:18 EDT 2007

Now THAT is a great idea!  

(And yeah, of all the thousands of analogies to choose from, vinyl wasn't a very good one!)

David A. Coleman
Sent via BlackBerry Wireless

----- Original Message -----
From: Lanier Pratt <lanierpratt at mac.com>
To: Coleman, David
Cc: rmwoodbury at adelphia.net <rmwoodbury at adelphia.net>; v8 at audifans.com <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Sun May 13 21:27:41 2007
Subject: Re: [V8] The Audi S5:  A $59000 NOPE!

Ok now.  Vinyl still is by far the best sound you can put your hands on if you have the right
equipment and a good piece of vinyl.  I'm only 35 and that one was made apparent to me
when I used to sell high end audio equipment, but I digress........wouldn't that be cool...
Putting a high end turn table in the trunk of my V8Q like on pimp my ride....pull up the Audi events
and pull out the vinyl..he he he I'd have all of the ladies.

Lanier Pratt
'92 V8Q 4.2L
'90 V8Q 3.6L

On May 13, 2007, at 8:20 PM, Coleman, David wrote:

	 I'd suppose you listen to your music via 8-track and vinyl

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