[V8] Timing Belt Change...wish me luck.
Ron Wainwright
ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Mon May 14 15:09:51 EDT 2007
--- cobram at juno.com wrote:
> Mike Arman <Armanmik at earthlink.net> writes:
> > If you don't have the time now to do this right,
> I'd say wait until
> > you do, then do it. A half-***ed rushed job will
> always come back to
> > bite you, and then you'll spend twice the time and
> money doing it
> right.
> I would disagree here. If you've only got
> time/funds to replace the
> belt, and it's long in the tooth, DO IT. It's much
> easier to go back in
> and change the Water Pump, rollers etc. when you do
> have the time, than
> to rebuild/change or junk the engine.
> Akin to when I was a po college student, was always
> better to get a set
> of junkyard half life tires I could afford than
> driving around on the 4
> mismatched baloney skin snows on the car.
> If most of us put everything we need to do in the
> "when I have time to do
> it right" category, we'd only get around to it
> after our third or forth
> AARP renewal! ;-)
> http://www.geocities.com/cobramsri/
> Some days you're the dog, some days you're the
> hydrant
& I'm going to have respectfully disagree here....in
no way shape or form is it "easier"..or more
"economical" to do this in stages.
I hate to through another lister under the bus....but
against my better judgement I did Allen's T-belt only
last weekend. Ask him now what else he has replaced
after I spent half the day doing it. Go ahead..ask
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