[V8] Timing Belt Change...wish me luck.

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Mon May 14 15:24:43 EDT 2007

Ron Wainwright <ron_01056 at yahoo.com> writes:

>  I hate to through another lister under the bus....but
> against my better judgement I did Allen's T-belt only
> last weekend. Ask him now what else he has replaced
> after I spent half the day doing it. Go ahead..ask
> him.

Less of a hassle than 32 or so bent valves I suspect.

Some people don't have the money/time to do it RIGHT the first time.  I
still say it's better to replace just the belt if your only other option
is to keep driving on an old belt.  The ideal option in this case would
be to park the car until you do have the money/time to do it right, but
that's not an option for many folks.

Some days you're the dog, some days you're the hydrant

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