[V8] Is This FPR?

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Fri May 18 16:12:06 EDT 2007

Test the fuel pressure and residual pressure.  It's pretty easy and
outlined in detail in the manual, the hardest part being digging up an
adapter for the BMW fuel pressure test kit that BMP sells.  Best $60
you'll ever spend (if you haven't already.)  Shot gunning on the V8Q can
get expensive and frustrating.

Some days you're the dog, some days you're the hydrant
 "urq" <urq at pacbell.net> writes:
> ... perhaps ... I'm thinking more along the lines of the fuel pump 
> check
> valve though.  If you're unsure of when the fuel pump was replaced I 
> might
> choose that over the FPR.
> Steve B
> San Jose, CA (USA)
> _______________________________________________
> When V8 #1 sits for a day or more, it usually won't start at first 
> crank.
> If you quit cranking after a couple seconds and turn the key off and 
> back to
> crank again, it fires immediately and idles normally.
>   I replaced the FPR maybe 20-25K miles ago, but that's been a 
> couple years.

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