[V8] OX Sensor Varients

S_Matus scott_matus at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 7 12:43:40 PST 2007

To save a few $s I created a harness to use the 4-wire Ford OX sensor with the short 8" leads.  The fitment for this is a 3.0L Ford in an Aerostar 1985-1994ish.  These Ox sensors are about $38.

Are there different output ranges for different Ford applications?  I cannot seem to get my V8 to pass emissions.  I have tried 2 sensors and cannot pass the State inspection.

The car has no codes. New plugs, rotors & caps.  I have not invested in wires, but will check them this weekend.

Any advice is appreciated.

'90 V8
'91 V8 5-sp

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