[V8] Makes me cranky....

Scott Simmons indischrot at gmail.com
Wed Nov 14 06:26:50 PST 2007

Most of the time, the PITA light issues ARE illegal.  It's just that no 
cop wants to deal with it because it's a hassle and probably hard to 
prove.  *shrug*

~Scott S.

too many quattros wrote:

>regardless of the reason, my biggest rant are those idiots who A) put in
>those horrid "plasma white" blue bulbs and B) idiots who refuse to aim their
>headlights.  The scatter glow those lights put off is horrible even when
>aimed properly.  frankly, i wish they would outlaw them.
>PARTING:  1972 Mercedes Benz 280 SE 4.5
>PARTING:  1986 Audi 4000 CS quattro
>>Reason 4 possibly...
>>A lot of the newer Daytime Running Lights are being put in the high beam pot
>>these days instead of the low beam one.  I find this to be a hazard because
>>even though the bulb output is lower, it is projected such that it is
>>offensive to oncoming traffic.
>>Just another knee-jerk reaction to a symptom in lieu of a realistic solution
>>for the actual problem.
>>>I think there are two reasons why so many cars have fog
>>>lights and the drivers leave them on all the time...well,
>>>maybe THREE reasons.
>>>Reason one:  The "cool" factor.  The cars look "cool" that way.
>>>Reason Two:  Low beam headlights are so terrible both from a
>>>lumen output and from a beam focus standpoint that in order
>>>to see much of anything, fog lights are needed all the time.
>>>Reason three:  the driver doesn't even know that they are on,
>>>forgot that he/she turned them on, and has forgotten or
>>>doesn't know what that little light on the dashboard is
>>>supposed to mean.  Pretty hard to remember all that stuff
>>>while also trying to remember what all the little buttons on
>>>the cell phone are supposed to do.
>>>Subarus are the worst.  Their great big fog lights are just
>>>great big orbs that are pretty bright.  I imagine that they
>>>are useless in real fog.
>>>A very long time ago, when I has aspirations toward being a
>>>world class rally driver, I did a lot of research into fog
>>>and driving lights.  I got to know a guy from Sheboygan
>>>Wisconsin by the name of Eugene Shermeister.  He had a
>>>business called "Apogee Enterprises", and was a member of the
>>>Society of Automotive Engineers, among other credentials.
>>>Anyway, he imported ALL the major brands of driving and fog
>>>lights from just about everywhere.  Even some Japense brands
>>>and that was a time when Toyota was just starting to import cars.
>>>I actually became a sub-distributor for him and sold and did
>>>a some installation of driving and fog light systems in the
>>>southern New England area...even some in southern Maine for
>>>people who belonged to the Cumberland Motor Club.  Anyway,
>>>learned a lot about lighting from Shermeister, including
>>>which fog and driving lights were the best (Cibie); which
>>>types were the best (GREAT BIG ONES), and even experimented
>>>with light aircraft landing lights (don't even think about it!).
>>>My Volvo station wagon had 8 inch driving lights and Marchal
>>>850 fog lights (I think they were 850's).  Stock SAE 7"
>>>headlamps since I was in Massachusetts and didn't fancy
>>>changing the headlights every spring for annual inspection.
>>>All the lights were wired separately, as I seldom used them
>>>except for night rallys when there would be very little
>>>oncoming traffic.  One night I was driving down a dirt road
>>>between Osterville and Centerville (Yep!  In those days there
>>>were a LOT of dirt roads on Cape Cod!) and I met some jerk in
>>>some sort of vehicle with very bright headlights.  I had
>>>three customers in the car and was trying to show them the
>>>magic of great big, round driving lights.  Anyway, the other
>>>guy just wouldn't dim for me, and since the road was narrow,
>>>windy and dirt, I just had to....well...
>>>I hit the master switch and lit em all up.
>>>When I carefully drove past him, he was sitting by the side
>>>of the road with his head resting on the steering wheel....
>>>Then there was that other time when some guy in an oncoming
>>>car wouldn't dim...he was turning left into a driveway, and
>>>out of patience, I gave him the full treatment.  You'd be
>>>surprised how bright the emblem of the Massachusetts State
>>>Police glowed when the side door was lit up by 300,000 candlepower....
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