[V8] wiki

Scott Phillips Scottp at ippe.com
Thu Nov 15 18:40:13 PST 2007

I'd be will to host and or help set it up. I currently run / host
www.justfourrings.com what's one more??? The JFR site sits on a
dedicated server connected to a pair of dedicated T1's so there's plenty
of bandwidth and space. I'm a MS guy and can do what needs to be done
for any IIS Implementation. The JFR site is a PHPBB2/mxBB (Apache/MySQL)
implementation, that although runs great, if it ever broke I'd be
screwed IYKWIM. 

So I'm game either way, Let me know what I can do.

Is there a way to recover the Wiki other than this:


For those of you who didn't know about the "way way back" machine, now
you can say you've learned something today ;-)


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