[V8] Electrical starting gremlins

Mike Arman Armanmik at earthlink.net
Mon Nov 19 06:43:03 PST 2007


I think Ed K may be onto something here . . .

> Mike> From: ed.kellock at msn.com> > There's a junction box on the
outside of the passenger side frame rail> below and I think a bit
aft of the windshield wiper bottle. I went> through some similar
trial and error steps before finding this. One of> the connections
was loose and had arc'ed enough to cause some build-up of> crud.
Once I cleaned that all up and got it snug, all was well.> > Ed>

Reason - you changed the radiator - you were in this area working! Is it 
possible you bumped or otherwise disturbed this junction box?



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