[V8] Radiator Problem

Kneale Brownson knealeski at sbcglobal.net
Sun Nov 25 14:02:14 PST 2007

That copper pipe in the pix is what I soldered the wire to to make an enlarged area to put the hose clamp behind so the hose wouldn't slide off.    It's 1 3/8 OD copper pipe that's probably called 1 1/4 (the ID).  That's 3.5 cm OD.  I think I had to file the inside of the radiator nipple just enough to remove the water scale to get the copper pipe to slide in.  

Brad Hartman <info at speakoutpro.com> wrote:  Nipple is probably a misleading term on my part. The broken part is well 
over an inch in diameter. I would call it a pipe, but it's plastic and 
extends from the radiator body. It is not removable -- it's physically part 
of the plastic radiator.

Radiators made of plastic. Why didn't they just use cardboard or balsa?

Kneale -- how did you solder 10-gauge wire to plastic? By barb, I'm 
assuming this is to keep the hose from slipping off of the shortened pipe. 
Is this absolutely required?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ron Wainwright" 
To: "Kneale Brownson" 
Cc: "Brad Hartman" ; 
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2007 7:00 AM
Subject: Re: [V8] Radiator Problem

>I think Brad's talking about the hose comming from the
> coolant tank?
> That little nipple just screws off. & just so happens
> I have a handfull of those little nipples.
> Let me know Brad.
> Ron
> --- Kneale Brownson wrote:
>> The link goes to a pix of how I fixed the broken-off
>> radiator neck on my 200q20v. Used it that way for
>> several months while I collected the stuff necessary
>> to replace all the flexible plumbing in the engine
>> compartment as well as both radiators. It's epoxy
>> similar to JB Weld and pipe I had left over from
>> replumbing a boiler. I soldered a piece of 10-gauge
>> wire onto the pipe to serve as a hose barb.
>> http://www.pbase.com/kneale_brownson/image/71383807
>> Brad Hartman wrote: My upper
>> radiator hose came off today. Closer inspection
>> revealed that the
>> plastic connector/nipple at the top inner side of
>> the radiator (approx.
>> 1-1/2 to 2 inches long) had broken off approx. 3/4
>> inch from the body of the
>> radiator. Luckily, I could still replace the hose,
>> tighten the clamp and
>> then limp home. It held for 15 miles.
>> Here's the question: Can I find some sort of clamp
>> that will provide enough
>> gripping power to keep the hose DEPENDABLY in place?
>> Again, the nipple that
>> originally help the hose by clamp is now shorter.
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