[V8] trans fluid level check

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Tue Nov 27 15:21:28 PST 2007

If anyone knows off the top, many thanks, otherwise I'll google it...

On a 1990 V8Q automatic with the tranny dipstick, what are the
indications on the dipstick?

The end of the dipstick has the small plastic bit with two nodes, one
on each end of the plastic part and I think a line near each one.

My level is exactly in the middle of the two.

Does that indicate one half quart low?
If not, what then?

I drove for a good 20 minutes on both highway and around town stop and
go with a couple of full throttle blasts, the last being about a 1/4
mile of 4-5% grade, using Manual mode to hold it in 3rd.


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