[V8] trans fluid level check

Scott Simmons indischrot at gmail.com
Tue Nov 27 20:04:16 PST 2007

In such a case, I would not recommend adding any fluid.  Unless you 
really really really want to measure out 20oz and add it in. ;)

~Scott S.

Bastian Homburg wrote:

>The difference between "min" and "max" on the trans. dipstick is 0.6 
>liters - that's 20 ounces or a little more than half a quart for your 
>Americans. So, when you're exactly in the middle between the two 
>markings, you're a quarter quart low :)
>Ed Kellock wrote:
>>If anyone knows off the top, many thanks, otherwise I'll google it...
>>On a 1990 V8Q automatic with the tranny dipstick, what are the
>>indications on the dipstick?
>>The end of the dipstick has the small plastic bit with two nodes, one
>>on each end of the plastic part and I think a line near each one.
>>My level is exactly in the middle of the two.
>>Does that indicate one half quart low?
>>If not, what then?
>>I drove for a good 20 minutes on both highway and around town stop and
>>go with a couple of full throttle blasts, the last being about a 1/4
>>mile of 4-5% grade, using Manual mode to hold it in 3rd.
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