[V8] Dizzy Seals
Ron Wainwright
ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 13 06:35:28 PDT 2007
Scott, Obviousley take the airfilter box stuff off.
Too remove the cap's I use a 1/4 inch deep 8mm socket,
& a T-30 for the three torx cheese bolts that hold the
plug wire holder to the back part of the
Intake.....then remove the cap's & wires.
At this point even if I'm R&R'ing the dizzy seals I
like to spin the motor around to TDC. So you'll have
too remove the rad fan. Two 10mm bolts & place the fan
on the Hydro res. I all so remove the shroud for the
serp driven fan...again two 10mm bolts & you'll be
able to mauver the shroud more too the pass side so
you can put a 27mm socket & ratchet on the Crank bolt.
So once the motor is at TDC,
you can use a 10mm 1/4 socket to remove the two dizzy
bolts. Wiggle the dizzy's free. There's a big thick
Green 0-ring. If you don't have them...dealer only &
only like a few $$$ each...but IF you'r going to use
RTV clean the area...but at this point you can again
use the 10mm socket to remove the Dizzy Flange. There
is a rubbery Blue thin gaskets. I usually use the
Black RTV on that gasket..even when I replace them
with new ones....but again after you remove clean the
area good.
Put a thin bead around the Blue Flange gasket & bolt
it back to the Block.
I all so replace the Green Dizzy seals with new & I
DON'T use RTV on that. It's usually a tight press back
in. Of course I soak the 0-rings in oil for a
bit..makes it easier to slide the Dizzy's back on. But
NO RTV..unless you will be reusing those gaskets.
pretty easy huh?? LOL
Here's some pics for your viewing enjoyment. I
documented step by step the how too on T-belt
replacement.....the way it's SUPPOSED to be done ;-)
Let me know if the pics come up for you...or just
join Motorgeek for Krists sake...great web site!!
Hope this helps.
--- Scott Simmons <indischrot at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm taking advantage of nice weather and going to
> replace my distributor
> seals.
> The KB is gone (porn??) so I've lost all those nice
> pictures. Ron, you
> have any that show the back? It thought there was
> some on the Timing
> Belt page. I know there was a pic somewhere showing
> where to put the
> RTV and all that jazz.
> Also, where does one get the parts besides the
> dealer? The closest Audi
> Money Removal Facility is a couple hundred miles.
> Neither Fap99 nor
> Autohaus has them.
> ~Scott S.
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