[V8] Pining over another V8....

Roger Woodbury rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com
Sat Oct 13 06:42:47 PDT 2007

...doesn't want a five speed"....

EXACTLY.  There are several reasons why my former V8 is of not interest to
me, and the biggest one is that it is now a V8. The second is the color
combination, which while I love it, isn't something that I want again.

The issue with a five speed is that there is no practical, romantic, or "boy
racer" need in me to have a clutch and a shift lever.  The 4.2 litre V8 will
smoke anyone that I ever need to smoke, and any added performance delivered
by the manual transmission car is superfluous to my driving needs in any
environment.  Besides, the hottest cars around are medium blue, have dark
blue lights buried in the grilles , on the rear window ledge and have
"Dirigo" stickers on the door. Whatever those Crown Vics lack in get up and
go, is long made up with the speed of their radios.  

And the final "incentive".  My fine wife is totally, completely, absolutely,
and resolutely "clutch challenged".  If I want to buy another vehicle of any
kind, it better have the kind of creature devices inside that enable her to
drive it.  

While she loved The Black Mariah, whenever we went anywhere in it, she was
always wondered what might happen if something happened to me that meant she
would have to manage the car.  I remember one time way down east when we
went down a long gravel road and stopped for a few minutes.  I walked down a
path to see what the shoreline looked like and she stayed behind in the car.
The path was about half a mile long as it turned out, and I was gone almost
half an hour....she asked what might have happened had I fallen over a log
and broken my clutch foot?  Since we were out of cell phone range, and out
about five miles from the nearest hard surface road and more than that from
the last structure that we saw, I must admit:  she had a point.

So, no clutches, I guess.  In reality, I won't miss them.


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