[V8] Replacing a 3.6 with a 4.2 - Any BTDT?
cobram at juno.com
cobram at juno.com
Mon Oct 29 19:38:29 PDT 2007
I'm pretty sure ALL V8Q's from 1989 until they ceased production came
factory equipped with oil coolers. If this particular V8Q had a loop
around hose, then it was almost certainly bypassed by someone who didn't
want to spend the money to replace a broken cooler. When the factory
does an oil cooler delete (which is rare, but there are some Audi/VW
models in which coolers were only optional), there is no loopback, just a
couple of plugs or a different (unthreaded) housing.
If you're getting high oil temps, aside from the obvious lack of an oil
cooler, you may also have a stuck oil thermostat or missing the
undercarriage cover.
Is there anyway you can post a picture of the bypass line? Like I said,
I'm pretty sure, not positive, as I have no experience with V8Q's for the
Right Hand Drive market, and am curious to see what the bypass looks
I live on a one-way street that's also a dead end. I'm not sure how I got
here, or how I'm going to get out.
Bastian Preindl <bastian at preindl.net> writes:
> Trivia (cause you mentioned the oil cooler): We've bought the
> private Audi V8 of Mr. Tim Connolly about half a year ago in England
> transferred it to Germany for overhauling. On the German motorway we
> accelerated to more than 130km/h and guess what happened.
> The engine oil temperature rose to nearly 130°C. Surely we decreased
> speed and travelled the long way home driving only 130km/h. At home
> we found out what caused the troubles: The car simply doesn't have an
> oil cooler - where it would be expected only an oil hose coming from
> engine and forming a loop back to the engine was found :)
> It seems like cars which have been manufactured for export to
> countries which have hard speed limits like Great Britain have not been
> equipped with an oil cooler, at least the 3,6 version. However, the
Audi V8
> 4,2 from 1993 we've transferred and imported from Great Britain to
> Austria about three years ago was equpped with an oir cooler...
> Best regards
> Bastian
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