[V8] 92 V8 4.2 - automatic transmission going into emergency mode

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Tue Oct 30 13:07:36 PDT 2007

 Bastian Preindl <bastian at preindl.net> writes:

> do you have possibilities to read out the ECU-fault memory? Sounds 
> more  like an electronic problem than a mechanic one. 

Since the car sat, it is not uncommon for even slight corrosion or dirt
from confusing the transmission ECU when it compares input signals.  It's
not uncommon for the transmission to go into "limp" mode if you go
through deep puddles or have very humid weather for a week or two.  Good
news is that it's a temporary condition most of the time and requires
nothing more than driving time to resolve.

>Do you have possibilities to measure the automatic transmission fluid

I've seen V8Q transmissions that were so low on fluid that they'd slip on
corners, but low fluid level never caused them to go into limp mode. 

> (remember: The oil has to be on temperature and you have to switch 
> through all the gears before you measure - and you have to measure 
> in N, not in P).

NO, you measure the fluid in "P" park, NOT in neutral.  Neutral may give
you a false low reading, causing overfilling.  The fluid/transmission
should be hot, at least 20 minutes of driving, and on a level surface
before checking.

I live on a one-way street that's also a dead end. I'm not sure how I got
here, or how I'm going to get out.

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