[V8] FW: 91 V8 Quattro - LeMons?

urq urq at pacbell.net
Mon Apr 14 20:26:09 PDT 2008

... forwarding something I saw on the beeg list ... there was some follow
on, but I decided to forward the initial note ...

The Altamont is out in my neck of the woods ... I wonder when this race is
going to happen?

Steve B
San José, CA (USA)

-----Original Message-----

Hi again list,

There's a good stir over on the 24 Hours of LeMons list due to someone 
getting a 91 V8 Quattro for $0 and claiming it to be their $500 car. 

Here's their build page :

You don't want to see a car after the 24 hour at Altamont -- it's not

What is the normal market value for one of these?


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