[V8] Engine Trim
Scott Simmons
indischrot at gmail.com
Wed Apr 16 22:53:43 PDT 2008
It's amazing what a little Photoshop can do.......
If I were to get the covers powder coated, whatever color, I'd probably
turn around and sell them. Unless the red came out looking really
really good... then... maybe...
~Scott S.
Coleman, David wrote:
>Those red heads are tres hot, but then you're into detailing the entire engine bay, lest the look ricer... Which means chrome plated a/c compressors, jet-coated headers, anodized distributors, and etc!
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Scott Simmons <indischrot at gmail.com>
>To: Coleman, David
>Cc: tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net <tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net>; v8 at audifans.com <v8 at audifans.com>
>Sent: Wed Apr 16 21:21:10 2008
>Subject: Re: [V8] Engine Trim
>Tony, is that comment hinting that I've lost my bolts and nuts? ;) Must
>be same place my marbles are...
>The black is still in fine condition, just some of the silver has peeled
>off (??). The silver painting is on the top of the letters only, not on
>the side. Any tape-job would ultimately end up with me painting the
>sides of the letters, but that's no biggie.
>I was thinking of using those foam craft brushes and some high-temp
>engine spray paint. Spraying onto a pallate of some sorts (old
>cardboard) and then mopping up with the brush, brushing onto the plastic.
>Going to be taking the old valve covers I have to get sand blasted
>(would would probably work better, be cleaner and less cancerous than
>Aircraft Remover) and possibly powder-coated... maybe red?
>Musing the night away,
>Scott S.
>Coleman, David wrote:
>>I'm with tony. Silver only. Painting the whole thing may end up deteriorating with heat and pressure washing and solvents andwhat-not.
>>If I ever reinstall mine, I plan to either apply a thick strip of tape and carefully cut out the letters, or just get patient with a fine brush. Either way I'd probably clear over the whole thing.
>>Another option instead of cutting the letters out of the tape strip might be to use a bench sander and knock off the tape that way. Might be a good idea to have a practice piece to experiment with different tape types.
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: v8-bounces at audifans.com <v8-bounces at audifans.com>
>>To: Scott Simmons <indischrot at gmail.com>; V8 Audi Fans <v8 at audifans.com>
>>Sent: Wed Apr 16 20:29:20 2008
>>Subject: Re: [V8] Engine Trim
>>I like the black allen bolt idea. Never thought of that before. As for the
>>paint, it depends on how perfect you want it. I'd say the black then silver
>>would be thte best looking. But, for simplicity, just silver would be
>>The "missing screw" that's pretty funny. Wonder where you'll find the rest
>>of them?
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Scott Simmons" <indischrot at gmail.com>
>>To: "V8 Audi Fans" <v8 at audifans.com>
>>Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 12:56 PM
>>Subject: [V8] Engine Trim
>>>All of the original screws for the spark-plug-wire covers have broken.
>>>Dealership prices them at $15, each. Anyone have any home-made ideas
>>>for tasteful looking bolts to replace them? I just have some metric
>>>bolts and washers but am thinking of maybe some black allen-head bolts?
>>>Also, the silver lettering on those covers has started to come off.
>>>Best way to repaint? Paint everything silver, then mask the letters and
>>>paint the background black?
>>>The OE "phillips head" nuts that hold down the front of the big air
>>>cover were always missing and I never replaced them. Yesterday, while
>>>fiddling around under the hood, I found one sitting between the jump
>>>post and purge valve. It's been there for at least 18 months. I never
>>>saw it and it never fell out. Huh.
>>>~Scott S.
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