[V8] Fuel Pump Longivity?

Korn, Bob Bob.Korn at Fike.com
Tue Apr 22 12:37:43 PDT 2008

I just replaced mine, guessing about 190K,  still worked well, was noisey for last four years, more in hot weather, had a bad check valve and while I had it out out in new pump as well.
Not a bad job if you have the opportunity to run the fuel level down.  Picked up a Bosch on ebay for $170.

Bob Korn
Director  of Sales
Pressure Relief & Explosion Venting      
Fike Corporation
Cell: 816-547-3689
Sent from Sprint Blackberry


----- Original Message -----
From: v8-bounces at audifans.com <v8-bounces at audifans.com>
To: v8 at audifans.com <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Tue Apr 22 12:30:44 2008
Subject: [V8] Fuel Pump Longivity?

The fuel pump failure thread got me  wondering; what's the longest a
fuel pump has lasted in one our V8's? My 1990 has 165,000 on the
original pump. I'm hoping that posting this thread doesn't jinx my pump,
it's been working flawlessly. A couple of years ago another lister
brought up how he used Marvel Mystery Oil in his gas tank. About 4
ounces per 20 gallons of gas does make the fuel pump run more quietly.
I was considering swapping in a new pump this summer as a preventative
measure but now I'm curious about others experiences with this. Thanks,

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