[V8] (no subject)

S_Matus scott_matus at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 23 07:58:22 PDT 2008

Ed  - 

Wow you really know your metallurgy.  I found the articles really interesting.  I did not understand all of the terminology, but gave me new insight into block casting/treatment.

Mit 4 Al block engines.

---------- Original Message ----------

Message: 3
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 18:04:25 EDT
From: Etdmail at cs.com
Subject: [V8] It's Sping .. with Nikasil, Alusil & Lokasil
To: v8 at audifans.com
Message-ID: <bde.2dba6494.353fbae9 at cs.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

I'll second Cobram on this.

BMW info here:  http://www.bmw4life.com/nikasil.htm

Some of the first patents on this technology (AKA: Alusil) were from work 
done by GM/Reynolds with a Reynolds 390 Silicon alloy (etched).

Nikasil, was used as I recall, on early Porsche 911/917 race cars and 
manufactured for them by; Mahle. Which was a thin-film coating type technology (As 
BMW later used too).

Later 911/928 cars (and Ferrari) migrated to the Reynolds 390 
silicon-and-aluminum alloy design, manufactured by 'KS' 

Who manufactures many V-Aluminium blocks today including Audi.

KS Aluminium-Technologie AG (ATAG):


A more scholarly look at the technologies can be read here: 




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