[V8] Spring V8

S_Matus scott_matus at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 23 15:46:09 PDT 2008

Offered to inspect a '93 V8 here in Denver for Roger.  I intended to give it a full inspection, knowing Roger.

This is the list I gave to Roger, He must have received a Great inspection from his mechanic locally.


Short list of items I'll be testing/inspecting - 
exterior(paint gloss, Repaint, any Damage, bumpers, ch for rust H-Lights,T-lights, door latches, rubber condition, tire condition, belly pan )
suspension (CVJ, Drive Shaft, Bushings, Steering play, steering fluid, rear diff)brakes (pedal feel, ABS engagement, Pad thickness)
(Leather condition, seats, heater, A/C, Roof function, Door Locks &
Windows, Wood trim condition, glass, instrument cluster, wipers, radio
& speakers)Engine (T-belt, W-pump, Oil Pump, Leaks, sounds, smells, Filters,Coolant <I do not have any PH test strips>, Distributor caps,wires, compression test, & fuel pressure) 
Transmission (fluid color, Smell, Up shifts, down shifts, SEM switch function, Selector P>1 & 1>P)aside from the compression test that is all I intended to look at.
Tools I'll need - 
Wood Rod to check trans level (I do not have a V8 trans dipstick Ed Kellock has mine!)
Tire depth guage and Air guagecaliper for brake measurementsblotter paper to check fluid dispersion (Oil, Trans, P-Steering)Jack and Lug wrenchScrewdriver 
Metric socket wrench set (to remove the Engine cover and Distributor caps)
Please supply anything you think I may have missed.

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