[V8] Picking up my new to me 92 V8 this weekend

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 25 15:21:50 PDT 2008

Takeing the train down to Georgia.
I'm stopping by Willoubey's place & have to head out
to see Bruce @ GAC.
 Dave C you comming down?

 This car is slatted to be parted so I can use the
motor in my 5sp. But the wife seen pics of it the
other day & wants it for her DD....woooooops. So I'm
not sure whats up now. But I never do anyway :-)

 So if the wife is going to want this car I'll need to
comeup with another option for a motor for my 5sp. I
have another line on a ABH motor....but maybe I should
just do an ABZ mit VEMS.
 But we'll see..........

 Well here are some pics


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