[V8] V8 Safety

Gunter Lorberg glforensic at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 26 19:23:06 PDT 2008

I feel like starting a new thread....
I wonder how our cars really measure up today wrt safety.  Arguably amongst the very safest on the road when they came out, I wonder how they stack up when compared to today's vehicles with air bags popping out of every nook and cranny (some of which may offer dual stages), seat belts with possibly better tensioners than the ones in our V8's (and force limiters), electronic stability control, and more rigid bodies.
Despite all the technological advances, certain laws of physics are hard to avoid such as Newton's 2nd law (Force = mass X velocity)----heavier vehicles more often than not will be safer if in an accident with another vehicle.  Although our V8's were once considered relatively heavy beasts, there are far more vehicles on the road today that are as heavier, if not heavier than our V8's.
Living up in Canada where there are no less than four months of snow and ice/year, I sometimes wish I had electronic stability control to back me up when going around some icy bends on the highway at speed.  I few more cushy air bags might not be a bad thing either to keep me further cocoon me.........apart from that, I'm quite pleased with how safe my V8's feel......I'd swear that the steel that Audi uses is thicker than most (and much more rust resistant, too)
(2) 1990 Canadian V8's with automatics

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