[V8] Stick a fork in the V8 I am done ;-)

Kneale Brownson knealeski at sbcglobal.net
Mon Aug 4 18:21:39 PDT 2008

Mushroom caps tool is a drag link socket.  Get a 1/2-inch drive version and trim a couple mm off the ends of the blades.  I use mine on an air impact to loosen the caps and use the torque wrench to tighten.

Ed Kellock <ekellock at gmail.com> wrote:  There are several x-caps on the pump. If you're lucky and it's not one
that's covered (that's about all BUT one) then you'll need a sorta special
tool that is kind of like a very large common screwdriver that is a socket.
I believe they're called impact drivers. The official torque on the caps is
not great, but if it hasn't been off in a long while or if it's been off and
overtorqued, it may take some patience. I pulled the pump to replace the
o-ring on mine the first time and paid the price in that I found the
mounting bolts for the pump, actually the holes they bolt into, were
stripped. I got it back together okay and then had to replace the o-ring
again (my fault). I did not want to disturb the mounting bolts again so I
did it while on the car. 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: v8-bounces at audifans.com 
> [mailto:v8-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Greg Furstenwerth
> Sent: Monday, August 04, 2008 11:53 AM
> To: V8 List
> Subject: Re: [V8] Stick a fork in the V8 I am done ;-)
> If its behind the jumpstart post.. That is not where the 
> sound is coming 
> from? Please advise?
> As for the X Plug. What is the easiest way to get to that thing? I am 
> trying to conceive how I would get in there. Thanks.
> Ron Wainwright wrote:
> > The carbon canister valve is located on the pass side under were the
> > fender bolts are. Or rite behind the jump start post. It's 
> attached 
> > by two rubber thingamabobs.
> > The valve has three nipples. With the rubber thingamabobs 
> faceing up, 
> > the nipple to the right goes to the intake. You blow through that 
> > nipple, if air goes through the lower nipple (all so going to the 
> > intake) replace it. No air is supposed to be felt.
> > Then use a small bike pump or the like on the Left nipple & blow 
> > through the Right nipple.... air should be felt through the lower 
> > nipple. If not replace the valve.
> >
> > Ron
> >
> >
> > --- On Sun, 8/3/08, Greg Furstenwerth wrote:
> >
> > 
> >> From: Greg Furstenwerth 
> >> Subject: Re: [V8] Stick a fork in the V8 I am done ;-)
> >> To: "V8 List" 
> >> Date: Sunday, August 3, 2008, 5:38 PM
> >> My brain has doubt cause I have seen pictures of damage :) 
> but feel 
> >> free to send me some. will be doing the timing belt here 
> in not too 
> >> long anyway due to paranoia... and yes it was changed 40k roughly 
> >> ago.
> >>
> >> I will take a picture of the belt when I do the gaskets. I ordered 
> >> the valve cover gasket kit from Blau, I am going to do 
> both while I 
> >> am at it.. I cannot really wait past tomorrow for force5 
> to ship it.. 
> >> If the dealer has it in stock I am leaking pentosin and saving
> >> 40+$ in pentosin is worth it.
> >>
> >> As for carbon canister? what is that? And note I tore the entire 
> >> trunk liner out and now its stopped??
> >> 
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