[V8] recirc door operation and vacuum

Dave Head v8q at bellsouth.net
Tue Aug 12 15:36:38 PDT 2008

That's likely it...

Ed Kellock wrote:
> Found a hole in the hard line that runs to the inner fender to the vacuum
> reservoir (I believe).  It seems something had come into contact with it
> just above the rubber flaps that cover the opening between the wheel well
> and the engine compartment.  Weird.
> I found it because of the loud hissing inside there which didn't sound right
> and the black 93 didn't do.
> Ed
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Ed Kellock [mailto:ekellock at gmail.com] 
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 2:27 PM
>> To: 'Dave Head'; 'v8newlist'
>> Subject: recirc door operation and vacuum
>> I can see the recirc door moving in response to opening and 
>> closing the throttle.
>> The vacuum line appears to be connected.  I inspected the 
>> line all the way to the engine and it looked solid all the way.
>> The vacuum motor seems to be loose in its mounting but I 
>> rotated it about a 1/4 turn and it felt snug.
>> Could this vacuum motor have failed internally?
>> What about the check valve in the engine compartment?
>> What about this little doo-hickey under the plenum cover that 
>> the vacuum line to the recirc door connects to on the other end?
>> Ed
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Dave Head [mailto:v8q at bellsouth.net]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 12:06 PM
>>> To: Ed Kellock; v8newlist
>>> Subject: Re: [V8] How many is too many
>>> Either the vacuum motor mount for the recirc is broken, or
>>> the hose fell 
>>> off. My bet is the hose fell off. Cut .5 in off and reinstall.
>>> Ed Kellock wrote:
>>>> Thanks Ingo.  The V8 was at Champagne and I left my urq
>>> with him to go
>>>> through the front suspension.  I had it looked at locally
>>> and the guy
>>>> htere said everything looked good, but it drove like a cattle cart
>>>> this weekend so something's not right.  Nevertheless, I 
>>> loved driving
>>>> it.  We left the track event Sunday a bit early and went up
>>> to Aspen
>>>> for lunch, then over Independence Pass.  That is one helluva road.
>>>> Very nice.  Gorgeous scenery. Definitely worth doing if 
>>> you're in the
>>>> area.
>>>> The tires on the 94 are 225/50-17 which are only 3% too
>>> larger which
>>>> is only 2mph at 75 so I make hang on to those and just sell the
>>>> wheels.  I definitely do not care for the wheels.  The 
>> BBS 16's are 
>>>> going today. That's give me a chance to check the brakes, 
>> etc.  I'm 
>>>> also going to pull the driver's side timing belt cover to 
>>> have a quick
>>>> look.  The last time the timing belt was done was in 98 at
>>> about 47k
>>>> miles, which puts it at 10 years and 78k miles.  Either way
>>> you look
>>>> at it, it's time.
>>>> Did Audi revise the t-belt interval to 60k in ALL years?
>>>> It's got an issue with the a/c, the slightest bit of
>>> throttle causes
>>>> it to change vents and blow hot air.  Larry referred to 
>> the C4 cars
>>>> with the same CC system and said there's a check valve 
>> that can be 
>>>> added (or replaced?) that causes that.  I was able to 
>> drive it very 
>>>> gingerly on the way home and keep it cool inside.  Also got 
>>> nearly 25
>>>> mpg as a result.  Check engine light is on too.  Time to 
>> hook up my
>>>> new toy that I bought months ago and haven't touched.  Only other 
>>>> thing I know of so far is the cruise control doesn't work.
>>>> Oh yeah, the headliner in this thing is spotless and the
>>> nets on the back of
>>>> the front seats are tight.   The steering wheel feels 
>>> thicker than any of my
>>>> others.  It's nice.
>>>> Ed
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Ingo Rautenberg [mailto:ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com]
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 10:00 AM
>>>>> To: Ed Kellock
>>>>> Cc: rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com; v8 at audifans.com
>>>>> Subject: Re: [V8] How many is too many
>>>>> Congrats, Ed!  Wow, you really did have a maaavelous 
>> weekend with 
>>>>> Urq25 and your new acquisition.  Congrats on the new job, too.  I
>>>>> always wanted a V8 that color.  Didn't realize that one 
>>> could order
>>>>> special colors in the US.  Guess they took the idea from porsche.
>>>>> Ingo
>>>>> On Aug 12, 2008, at 11:46 AM, Ed Kellock wrote:
>>>>>> I agree and had a conversation about that with the seller,
>>>>> a Quattro
>>>>>> dealer/service business in Denver.  I am considering 
>> storing this
>>>>>> car more than driving it for a while.  I doubt that I'll 
>>> be able to
>>>>> do that in
>>>>>> reality however.
>>>>>> The only thing that would make this car absolutely
>>> perfect is if it
>>>>>> had black interior.  It is grey.  The silver/grey combo is a bit
>>>>>> less
>>>>>> stunning,
>>>>>> but it actually still smells new inside, even in the trunk, at  
>>>>>> least as
>>>>>> close to new as I can remember, so I really hesitate to do 
>>>>> anything
>>>>>> about
>>>>>> the interior, like a full swap with my black car.  Crazy talk.
>>>>>> Ed
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: Roger Woodbury [mailto:rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com]
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 1:21 AM
>>>>>>> To: v8 at audifans.com
>>>>>>> Cc: 'Ed Kellock'
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: How many is too many
>>>>>>> Over the top, Ed.  But a '94!  Congratulations!  I too saw
>>>>> this car
>>>>>>> on Cars.com and pondered about it about as long as I 
>> could before 
>>>>>>> reality set in, and I realized that two V8's right now are
>>>>> too many
>>>>>>> for me.
>>>>>>> But I have been thinking about doing what you have done
>>> so that my
>>>>>>> "next" car can be another V8.
>>>>>>> And it really isn't insane considering that there isn't
>>>>> anything else
>>>>>>> being made today that is as nice, imho!
>>>>>>> Roger
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