[V8] cooling troubleshooting & temp sensors

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Thu Aug 21 12:56:37 PDT 2008

Kneale Brownson <knealeski at sbcglobal.net> writes:

> Is there a way to diagnose viscous fan clutch failure?  Just watch as 
> the engine speed is increased?
>   My recollection of the majority of V8 overheating threads is that 
> the solution lies with radiator replacement with an OEM radiator, 
> not some aftermarket item.

Unfortunately you are probably right, there WERE good aftermarket
radiators available from GoDan and Modine in the past, but alas all the
aftermarket rads being offered now seem to be JUNK.  The ole GoDan in V8Q
#2 is still working perfectly, even after a slight bend after being
hit/run while parked a few years ago.  

Your comment about the "green" coolant hasn't been my experience at all. 
Been running the "evil green" in all my Audi's going on more than 20
years now without any problems.  There was a pretty good thread on the
main list about it, with the resident Chemical Engineer posting a very
good write up at the time.  The only caveat about coolant would be with
the GM Dexcool, NEVER use this stuff, anywhere.
"God's a kid with an ant farm, lady. He's not planning anything."

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