[V8] DexCool

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Mon Aug 25 12:21:07 PDT 2008

Anything on the market which is a decent brand name and states it is safe
for aluminum engines/radiators.  

If you're unsure, check the archives and dig up posts on the subject by
"Bob Myers", he's a professional Chemist who posted a really nice write
up on the subject to the main list a while back.  He ran Prestone et. al.
in his Audi's.

Good ole Prestone Green,  has served me very well.  Anything else and
you're just pissing your money down the drain, that's what fine ales are
for, not coolant! ;-)

"God's a kid with an ant farm, lady. He's not planning anything."

"Bill Hitzler" <bhitzler at kpbsd.k12.ak.us> writes:
> Okay, the don't use Dexcool coolant is unanimous. What coolants have 
> you
> folks been using that don't mess things up?  The very expensive 
> Pentosin
> is disqualified. Thanks, William

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