No subject

Tue Aug 26 18:50:57 PDT 2008

instead its aluminum/aluminum... Big difference....

-----Original Message-----
From: v8-bounces at [mailto:v8-bounces at] On Behalf Of
cobram at
Sent: Saturday, April 04, 2009 12:04 AM
To: toml99 at
Cc: v8 at
Subject: Re: [V8] Who's had a bad had gasket?

Anything but the run of the mill green (blue or whatever), safe for
aluminum coolant is a waste of money.  This was beaten to death on the
main list a while back, with a resident industrial chemist explaining it.
 I've been running the "evil green" Prestone in all my Audi's (including
2 V8Q's) for over 2 decades now (starting with my '84 5KS and lesser '82
5K before that), if something was going to happen, I figure it should
have by now.  
Never had a head gasket problem on any of them.  Any engine that starts
blowing head gaskets en mass is a design, manufacture or material flaw,

"God's a kid with an ant farm. He's not planning anything."
"toml99 at" <toml99 at> writes:
> Hey, was just thinking about stuff, and was wondering on a percentage 
> base, who's had a head gasket problem?.....Most steel block/aluminum 
> head cars have issues around 150K, and was reading on the Saab site  
> tonight that many are going to a phosphate-free type of coolant.   
> Pearl car still has the green coolant in it(evil), and plan to fix   
> that this weekend.  Don't hear of a lot of people complaining of 
> head  
> gasket issues with the v8....(good thing).  With a properly  
> maintained car, who's had a head gasket issue?.....Just looking for  
> another reason to validate our obsession.........Tom
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