[V8] Wonderful Dead V8

Greg Furstenwerth slicerdicer at mac.com
Sun Dec 21 14:17:00 PST 2008

Its not like the pump is hard to get out :)

I ordered a new pump and cleaned the screen on the old pump. Thus it
works for now... It sounds like 1-2 bees in the tank instead of 10,000 :)

We shall see I can use it for short trips and stuff. Pump should be here
in a few days and then I will replace it.

Ordered from Autohausaz

urq wrote:
> Wow ... you went ahead and put it back in?  You're a better man than I am
> Gunga Din!  
> ISTR something to do with removing the fuel pump screen ... but I think that
> was related to the 5000/200 not the V8.  Since it came back to life perhaps
> there was a problem with the pump not being able to draw fuel through the
> screen.  
> I've had an interesting time finding fuel pumps for my V8s ... they are both
> manual trannies, and #344 seems to be special in some ways ... I've had the
> local dealer tell me this years ago when I had the airbag recall ... and the
> standard fuel pump didn't work in that car's fuel tank.  For #2 I went with
> pump in hand to the FLAPS ... they found a pump that fit and which seems to
> work, but the diameter of the + and - terminals is backwards from the pump
> that was originally in the car ... 
> Steve B
> San Jose, CA (USA)
> -----Original Message-----
> V8 is ALIVE!!!..... Taking out the fuel pump and shaking it draining it
> etc.. made it to where its magic back to life! however I do not trust it
> I will /replace the part and be done with it.
> Thanks Listers! I have 13,269 emails archived dating back to the day I
> got the V8.. I searched the list found the likely culprits and went from
> there. Without your help I would have been lost. You guys rock!
> Thanks again.
> Verdict: Fuel pump is on last leg..  :)
> Greg Furstenwerth wrote:
>> Well I drained the fuel pump... emptied all the gas out of it "so no
>> fire" and hooked it up to 12v.. That little bastard torqued out of my
> hand?
>> I am now mystified...
>> Yes the tank was full... I just reached in the gas and man grabbed it
>> out! It burns the flesh!
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