[V8] Hesitation on acceleration

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Wed Dec 31 11:39:01 PST 2008

First thing I'd do is revisit the Throttle Position Sensor, and it's
connector.  Check the TPS adjustment and clean the connector, also give a
little tug on the wires, they sometimes corrode inside the connector
where you can't see it.   
"God's a kid with an ant farm. He's not planning anything."

"Lawrence R. Gorman" <lawrence-gorman at uiowa.edu> writes:
> One of my 90 V8s has developed a split-second hesitation on 
> acceleration 
> after it warms up. It always starts great and runs great when it's 
> cold. 
> It also runs great after the hesitation. The TPS has been cleaned 
> and I 
> replaced a couple of temp sensors, thinking the fuel mixture might 
> be 
> too rich after warm-up.  This car sat for 6 or 8 weeks while the 
> xmission was replaced.  Before that there was no problem.

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