[V8] UFO brakes at Audi

urq urq at pacbell.net
Wed Dec 31 12:52:24 PST 2008

... me three and four ... I've got two cars with UFOs and I've never had a
complaint with the quality of the braking.  The difference between my cars
and those of most others is that they are manual transmission cars, so they
don't sit at stop lights with the brakes applied ... I realize that all the
'91 200Qs had manual trannies too, not sure what the difference between the
V8 and 200Q was ... 

I remember when I met John Karasaki at Thunderhill once ... I let him take
old #344 for a run on the roads around the area (I wasn't enrolled in the
event).  John told me that the difference in the overall feel in the UFO vs.
the G-60s was quite noticeable, and his preference was for the UFOs.  The
only maintenance I've needed was replacing pads and rotors when they reach
their wear limit.  For better or worse I've never had the UFOs turned when I
did the pad replacement ... but then I've been known to just replace pads if
the rotors are worn smoothly ... 

Happy New Years to all audifans!  May you all have a Happy and Prosperous

Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)

-----Original Message-----

me, too. - that's all I can say there.
I`ve had one 200 20V and two V8s  with the UFOs and I get about 100,000 
miles out of a set of rotors, and pads last for 50k miles. And 95% of 
that mileage is Autobahn driving at speeds you'd go to jail for in the 
US - in pretty dense traffic. Repeated 130 -> 50 brakedowns? No warping, 
Only complaint I have about the UFOs (besides the replacement cost of 
rotors and pads - I buy my pads at Audi; no experiments here!)  is that 
they fade pretty quickly compared to modern brakes and they could have 
more stopping power. 135 ft from 60 to zero isn't all that great anymore 
in todays world.
Here in Europe, people ususally convert to the "HP2" brakes found on 
newer Audis (C4 S-cars, A8,...).

Ed Kellock wrote:
> I've run UFO's for years.  No problems.  I pulled a fairly new looking set
> and the pads from a junkyard car about 5 years ago.  The pads are on the
> 1990 that the GF drives around town.  The rotors are on my 5spd.  I got
> Mintex Red box for it and bedded them in very deliberately prior to a trip
> during which I would tow a trailer on the return.  That car still stops as
> well as my 91 Avant with big reds.  
> Any rotor can "warp".  I believe it is more about the transfer of pad
> material to the rotor when super heated, though I think there's still a
> deal of debate on that. 
> I have never intended my Avant for any use that would require the big
> so I will probably switch them out with the 5spd so I can run "normal"
> wheels and tires on the Avant for winter.  The 5spd will someday receive a
> 4.2 engine and won't be needing winter tires often or at all, though it is
> the most amazing winter driver of all of them.  
> In 10 years and on two V8's, I have yet to buy a new set of UFOs.  The
> ones that were no good were on the 5spd when I got it and had a band of
> on the innermost portion of the rotor surface.  That, I could never work
> of them.  I'm not close enough to the guy who figured out a jig to turn
> true.  The shipping would be ridiculous.  
> I prefer to run no larger than 16-inch wheels and few big brake kits
> accomodate that.  My 93 has G60's that are about as max'ed out as you can
> get with those with crossdrilled rotors and special pads and I still
> the UFOs.
> To each their own.  
> Ed
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: v8-bounces at audifans.com 
>> [mailto:v8-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Ingo Rautenberg
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 10:31 PM
>> To: Seamus O'Carey
>> Cc: v8 at audifans.com
>> Subject: Re: [V8] UFO brakes at Audi
>> The UFO's have a bowl of steel that attaches to the wheel hub 
>> on the inside and attaches to the rotors on the outside, 
>> allowing the caliper to be mounted inboard.  The idea is that 
>> this setup can handle strong braking at Autobahn speeds while 
>> still allowing use of a 15" wheel for ride comfort. The 
>> design allows for a larger effective brake swept area.  I 
>> have one '91 V8 5 -speed with that setup and the braking is 
>> almost comparable to my other 91 5-speed equipped with 
>> Porsche Big Reds and Coleman Rotors, but the Big-red equipped 
>> car requires 17" wheels -- and I refuse to run 17's in the 
>> winter/snow.
>> Ingo
>> On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 12:24 AM, Seamus O'Carey
>> <cheshirecatsbox at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Can someone explain to me the UFO brakes?  I've seen 
>> pictures of the 
>>> rotors, and I just don't understand them.
>>> Also, it sounds like they warp pretty easily?  This might be why I 
>>> have a slight pulsing in my steering wheel (or the wheels could be 
>>> just out of balance).
>>> On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 8:18 PM, too many quattros < 
>>> thequattroking at yahoo.com
>>>> wrote:
>>>> over the years i have read posts from a die hard few that 
>> just love 
>>>> the
>>> UFO
>>>> brakes.  honestly, i am not sure why.  i have had two cars with 
>>>> them.
>>>  yes,
>>>> they did seem to stop better then G60 brakes when used in 
>> day to day 
>>>> driving (although i never did measure the distances).  
>> but, one romp 
>>>> in the hills and it was so easy to cook the UFO brakes.  when i 
>>>> converted my V8q to Willwood brakes back in 1994 or 1995 (by this 
>>>> time, i had already been through 3 or 4 sets of UFO 
>> rotors), i was 
>>>> highly impressed with the rigidity
>>>> of the Willwood brakes.  the Brembo rotors did not heat 
>> soak like the
>>> UFOs.
>>>> the overall braking of the car was GREATLY improved.  
>> imo, there is 
>>>> NO comparison.  in short, what is the point of a set of brakes if 
>>>> you have
>>> to
>>>> replace a warped pair after just a spirited drive or two? 
>>  BTW, the
>>> fastest
>>>> set of UFO brakes i ever warped was warped in about 2 
>> weeks.  i put 
>>>> them
>>> on
>>>> and two weeks later i had to make a panic stop from about 75 MPH 
>>>> when a truck pulled out in front of me on the highway 
>> (ambient temp 
>>>> was about
>>> 105
>>>> that day).  i slowed to about 20 mph.  that was it, another 800$ 
>>>> (back
>>>> then)
>>>> to replace the rotors.  about 6 months later i had the 
>> willwoods on.  the
>>>> UFOs were a great idea, poorly executed.
>>>> Shayne
>>>> PARTING:  1972 Mercedes Benz 280 SE 4.5
>>>> PARTING:  1986 Audi 4000 CS quattro
>>>>> From: Roger Woodbury <rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com>
>>>>> Reply-To: <rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com>
>>>>> Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2008 17:32:20 -0500
>>>>> To: <b.homburg at web.de>
>>>>> Cc: V8 Audi Fans <v8 at audifans.com>
>>>>> Subject: [V8] UFO brakes at Audi
>>>>> Perhaps I should have said that Audi USA is no longer 
>> supporting 
>>>>> the V8 Quattro's UFO brakes.  Here in this country, a 
>> great many 
>>>>> V8's and 200 20Valve cars were converted to G60s due to 
>> warping.  
>>>>> I am not surprised
>>>> that
>>>>> they may be unavailable here now, as there are some 
>> hoses for the 
>>>>> 200 20Valve turbo that are no longer available through Audi.
>>>>> UFO calipers in the US from the franchised Audi dealer 
>> were about
>>> $1400.
>>>>> That is one reason why I was so interested in aftermarket brake 
>>>>> systems
>>>> for
>>>>> this car.  IF it came down to $1400 for UFO calipers 
>> and $12-1300 
>>>>> for a conversion to something else, I would have to 
>> think long and 
>>>>> hard about which way to jump.
>>>>> Roger
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