No subject

Mon Feb 18 11:56:36 PST 2008

experiences, I wouldn't be ready to pull the plug right away...


On 2/19/08, Deedza Mav <deedza at> wrote:
> Guys,
> I was wondering if you can help out a brother in distress;my V8Q is will
> start up ok whether it be hot/cold starts,will drive sometimes for 5,10,15
> mins before it just loses power and and shuts off.I start it up again and it
> will stutter and sputter but out of nowhere it picks up and jets off.I have
> taken it to 2 different mechs,one stated it could be the fuel pump,the other
> said the fuel pump was fine and could be the air flow meter.It is now so bad
> that sometimes on the highway it will lose power and will drive at 20mph and
> then just jet off again.I cant drive it like this anymore and the next guy I
> see I would like to at least have some knowledge as to what this could
> be...One mech said he wouldnt even charge me and would be better getting
> another car.
> Any thoughts?
> ________________________________

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