Bastian Homburg b.homburg at web.de
Tue Feb 19 17:29:47 PST 2008

I`d say upper strut mounts, too. Part no. 441412377D, the russians call 
it "suspension strut bearing".*__*

The CAT light is nothing but a warning light wired to this temperature 
sensor in the exhaust that warns you in case the cats get too hot. It 
should light up when the ignition is on and stay off when the engine is 
running - and it´s not connected to anything else, especially not to the 
engine management, on European cars at least. This *may* be different in 
US models, but I don´t know that.
And it definitely doesn´t need to be "adjusted" - there´s nothing to 
adjust there! So if anybody tinkered with it, they did something wrong.
When the engine runs OK, has full power, there`s no rattling noise 
coming from the cats indicating broken ceramic parts inside that may 
lead to overheating them and the ECU doesn`t have some related fault 
codes, the cats should not be clogged and the fault is rather with the 
sensor, its cabling or the IC circuit board.

As you report other issues with your instrument cluster acting up, my 
suggestion would be to take the darn thing apart, check for broken 
solder points and re-solder all the connections on the various circuit 
boards. There`s a how-to with pictures on the audiv8.com FAQ - here 
(http://www.audiv8.com/german/faq/faq_show.php?id=103) and here 
(http://www.audiv8.com/german/faq/faq_show.php?id=146). If you don´t 
speak German, run the text through babelfish - it´s pretty straightforward.

The S-E-M switch thing looks like a cabling and/or switch issue to me. 
Pull the transmission fault codes and check for anything there first, 
though. I hope you have the Bentley manual (with the wiring diagrams...)


Leo wrote:
> Hello !!
> I need a little help with some V8 issues:
> 1)      Front suspension: Since I've bought the car there were some noises
> in the front. I started with all engine mounts, then the inserts of the
> shocks.  Noises were still there and I replaced the sub frame mounts (all 4)
> and together with it, I also replaced tie rods, control arms & ball joints,
> etc. and every single bushing in the area including stabilizer bar ones.
> All these elements needed attention anyway.   The noise is still there
> (maybe a part of it I cannot isolate it) but is strong enough to ruin the
> ride.    Almost everything is new and done by people I trust with exception
> of the cartridges that for some reason I have my doubts about  who did the
> job .    Any suggestions? What should I check first? What could be making
> such a noise? (It sounds and feels like some rubber parts are missing, but
> only in some bad cobblestone or regular roads).
> Since springs and shocks I can get here, I was thinking on getting
> everything else for that section and I wonder if they are sold as a kit or
> how? (sleeves/supports/caps/buffers/rings/etc.) I temporarily cannot access
> ETKA and VAGCAT.com seems to have a mistake of some kind and is very
> confusing, if anybody can list the parts and part numbers it will be very
> much appreciated.
> 2)      CAT light started  to blink every once in a  while. A sensor that is
> located in the exhaust at the level of the front passenger seat was adjusted
> and then the CAT light started to blink quickly and constantly and never
> stopped.
> 3)      Mode selector?: Despite this few things and others that need
> attention (I also need radiator hoses), the car is running well. A week ago
> I was in a highway and decided to speed up. Everything was fine up to 120 or
> 125 mph (in Economy mode). On the way back I selected the "SPORT" mode and
> after a minute or two it felt like a little explosion or some kind of
> electrical problem and started to stop, it suddenly lost all power. I turn
> the selector back to "E" and it corrected the situation. No more problems at
> any speed. A couple of days later tried it one more time and again I had the
> same reaction, again put it back in "E" and again situation corrected.
> I wonder if "S mode" problem has something to do with the CAT light issue?
> At the same time most of the instrument cluster lights (PRND321) 1, 2 and 3
> work 20 or more minutes after I start the car;  seat belt alarm/ Oil
> Pressure/ Gasoline and water temp. gauges, they all go on and off as they
> wish. (Everything was working ok when summer began and is still very warm
> and humid).
> Any help or comment is really appreciated;  since is a big effort to get the
> parts and bring them to Argentina I need to get every correct part I need at
> once to do the complete section of the car.
> Thank you all
> Leo
> 1990 V8 3.6   in Buenos Aires 
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