[V8] spending my tax returns again?

Kent McLean kentmclean at comcast.net
Thu Feb 21 07:11:53 PST 2008

Coleman, David wrote:
>  I put an offer in on this, but I kinda lowballed him.  By about $1.8
> mil or so.
>> yeah, this would look ok in the driveway too... ebay Item number:
> 150216869760

At that income/asset level, maybe they'll do it, taking it as a tax write-off as 
a charitable donation. It could happen. :)

Kent McLean
'99 A4 Avant, w/ quattro, V6, Tiptronic. "Yeah, Baby!"
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
'91 200 TQA #1, undecided
'91 200 TQA #2, up in smoke 2
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy", up in smoke

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