[V8] V8 update

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 4 04:21:35 PST 2008

Hey Scott, for parts I know a guy ;-)

 As far as rims/tires, check the local craigs list,
ect. Not sure what if any Audi activity you have out
there with the tumble weeds.....J/K ;-)......but I'm
sure theres got to be something out your way.
 Tires, when I rolled on 15's I had some 215/60's on a
set of the4 OE BBs mesh rims & on a stock ride height
car they filled the wells out pretty good. Obviousley
215/60 is what the V8 calls for. How much more can a
225/60 tire cost over a 215...or 205?

 As far as gas mileage, I'm getting 24/25 on HW, &
22/21 City. 4 wire 02 sensor is doing it's jarb!


--- Scott Simmons <indischrot at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey folks,
>     Been making a small list of knick-knacks that
> I'd like.  These are 
> not, by any means, life or death items.  Anyone out
> there have any of 
> these floating around?
> The right D-pillar trim piece (smooth) for Panther
> Metallic Black, in 
> good condition.
> A leather case that holds the owners and warranty
> manuals.
> A little black twisty nut that holds on the plastic
> cover for the tail 
> lens boards.
> The turn signal and fog light assemblies (in the
> bumper).  In the best 
> condition I can find.
> Front speaker amps?  I have very, very little
> mid-tone range in the 
> stereo.  Is this a sign of front amps losing out?
> Hold down for the spare tire.
> Thanks...
> ... in other news:  $400 later, Der Panzerkampfwagen
> is kicking butt.  
> The transmission put it out of service for 3 days a
> couple weeks ago and 
> robbed a bunch of Christmas money (who we kidding?
> that money wasn't 
> going to go to anyone else!) and a mad-dash search
> to find the CORRECT 
> ZF4HP24 filter: there are 3 variations.  The night I
> got the car back, 
> it began to snow... and didn't stop for 12 inches.
> I have a tire that's losing ~10lbs a day, thus the
> question about the 
> Coopers.  I'll probably go with the ones I was
> quoted, but definitely 
> going to snoop around a bit more before dropping the
> money.  Tire guy 
> recommended 215/60's instead of messing around with
> 205/60's or 
> 225/60's.  Those wheels just look so TINY on that
> big car, but I'm not 
> ready to step up to 16" unless someone can make me a
> great deal on 
> wheels + tires............... anyone...........?
> So what to do in a world of $100/barrel?  Does a
> 1990 V8 have a future?  
> I drive about 200mi/month, so gas mileage really
> doesn't hurt me as much 
> as it would if I had longer distances to drive, but
> then I guess my avg 
> mpg would go up too.  What is everyone else
> noticing?  Costs just as 
> much to fill up a tank as it does to buy 9 quarts of
> synthetic........
> Freezing on the high plains,
> Scott S.
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