[V8] Euro what?

Scott Simmons indischrot at gmail.com
Wed Jan 9 15:58:42 PST 2008

Again, sorry for commenting on old threads........

..... I have been surprised with my V8's light.  I'm quite happy with 
it.  I'm getting a good voltage to the bulbs (~14VDC) and the lenses are 
pretty dang clean for being used.   It lays out a better spread than the 
wife's Chevy although I think everything DOT approved, even the best DOT 
lenses, will pale next to an HID unit. 

Clean lenses + 14 Volts + relayed harness + clean and good contacts at 
the Kostal connector = good lighting.  I'd love to have Euro lenses, but 
I can just find better things to spend $300 on! =)  Especially on an 18 
year old car.

~Scott S.

Kent McLean wrote:

>Peter Littlewood wrote:
>>I've always thought that Audi lights have been terrible at best.. are you really saying that US versions are even worse?
>>On the odd occasion that V8s or 200 (5000) come up for sale here in the UK they never fetch more than £500. 
>>Would it be worth me buying these cars and sending the headlamps to you guys?
>Yes, US DOT headlights are pitiful. When we say "candlepower", it is the light 
>of a single candle that those lights throw. If another car is behind you, you 
>can see you car's shadow in front of you, even though your lights are on.
>As for sending UK lights over here, not a good idea. We 'Mericuns drive on the 
>right side of the road, and so your beam pattern would shine up and into 
>oncoming traffic.

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