[V8] no start

diemarthadie at aol.com diemarthadie at aol.com
Mon Jan 14 20:55:25 PST 2008

 Same thing happened to me not long after I bought the car.? Cold water did make it start on a few occasions.? Replacing the sensors was the cure - never had the problem again.



-----Original Message-----
From: John Bucciarelli <bmwkrider at msn.com>
To: Ron Wainwright <ron_01056 at yahoo.com>; v8 at audifans.com
Sent: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 11:24 pm
Subject: Re: [V8] no start

It sounds  symptomatic of a Crank position sensor, mine did the same thing 
and  once replaced, it worked fine, I have been told that it can be cooled 
by pouring cool water over the sensor base, just didn't try it. I purchased 
mine from http://www.autobahn-performance.com/ and paid $125.00 for it if I 
remember right, it is a Bosch part. They can be accesed by using a long 1/4 
inch extension , I think mine is at least 1 foot long,with a wobble you can 
get a straight shot by going between the subframe and the suspension. 2 
bolts and the bracket that the sensors bolt too will come out at that time. 
The whole operation took about an hour. I hope this helps, Have a great day. 

1990 Audi V8Q
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ron Wainwright" <ron_01056 at yahoo.com>
To: <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2008 8:25 PM
Subject: [V8] no start

> Ok guys, I know I've seen talk of this.
> Here's the senario..
> i have been driving it since 9am today got to town
> turned it off went to class then started it 2 hours
> later then drive for 5 min turned it off then back on
> 5 min later then on and off again after eating and
> skool get home 30 miles drive and shut the car off
> then when i turn the key nothing happens just the cat
> light comes on when cranked but the v8 has been
> running 100% for months now.
> Is this fouled plugs?
> Ron
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