[V8] Engine Speed sensor???

Scott Simmons indischrot at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 14:21:14 PST 2008

No tach bouncey bouncey = no RPM signal.  It should flutter a bit at the 
base.  No fluttering means the tach isn't getting a signal from the ECU.

But usually the sensors work better in the cold...........

Also, I've been told to never, ever, ever use ether/starting fluid.  
Have been told it dries out cylinder walls?


Ron Wainwright wrote:

>Kneal, I had a no start a while back with the ol Pearl
>beast & it turned out that the Bosch plugs I was using
>were not rated cold enough for the conditions. Weather
>the previouse week was nearer 40 deg's......& in a
>week it went to minus deg weather.
> I dropped in 8 OE dealer plugs & it fired rite up.
>Mind you the Bosch plugs I had in there beforehand
>were only 500 miles old.
> Funny conclusion to the plugs is.....I saved
>them....since they only had 500 miles on them. So I
>had the chance to reuse them on a friends car after I
>did a motor swap & cut to a cold Maine morn the car
>wouldn't start...I told the guy to yank the plugs, (at
>this time I had talked to Keith about a cheaper
>alternative to the expensive OE dealer plugs & he said
>to use Autolight 103's)...so when the guy called me I
>told him, as I noted above...yank the plugs & put some
>AL 103's in. Well the car fired rite up. I told the
>guy to toss those Bosch plugs in the Ocean!
> Just a long winded thought.
> Ron 
>--- Kneale Brownson <knealeski at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>>Have a no-start with V8 #1.  It's been below zero
>>(F) and single digits, and the car has a new
>>battery.  Starter spins the engine pretty well. 
>>Starter Fluid doesn't make it catch.  Tack doesn't
>>move.  Does this mean a bad engine speed sensor?  I
>>replaced both of them several years ago when the
>>ignition reference sender gave us hot start fits. 
>>Probably only 15-20K miles since.
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