[V8] Love for V8's, and ramblings.

Tony and Lillie tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net
Wed Jul 16 20:02:35 PDT 2008

Although I don't feel quite the same about the V8Q, there's another Audi 
that sits the same exact way in my heart. I have several, and agree, they 
aren't going to ever make anything better. Since I work on them as a 
profession, I also know quite well the complexities of the newer cars, as 
well as the build quality. As much press as the A4 got, that was the 
beginning of the end for what I'll call "True German Cars" (TGC) . And, in 
fact, The cars that truly feel german to me are ones with only one 
directional indicator in them. No matter who builds them, that's a TGC! 
However, the build quality (and no, I'm not talking electronics here) stayed 
essentially the same through about the 1995 or so model year. The exception 
is the 100/A6 through 98, which is still of the old school design. However, 
with tilt/telescoping wheel, and some other niceties, it was getting closer 
to the "built to the competition" Ideal than the earlier 100/200's.

Once apon a time, German car manufacturers designed and engineered a car, 
then built it. Then, they decided what it should cost. Of course, there was 
an idea in the beginning, but not a set amount. That started changing in the 
mid 90's. Now, they decide the dimensions and cost before hand, then design 
and build a car to those specifications. Having had quite a few of them 
apart, quite extensively in some cases, there is definately a difference in 
teh shortcuts that can be taken. And, they are taken. Plastic is one very 
large part of this. I, personally, dont want to front end of my car to be 
plastic. Well, I guess I'll be sticking to older cars, then. Even the "Lock 
Carrier" (core support) is plastic on the newer ones. What the hell are they 
thinking? Sell to the 90%ers, I guess. Well, not me, thank you very much!!

Tony Hoffman

Oh, and Roger, 30 years from now, perhaps we can go on a trip in the same 
Quattro's we have today ;-)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roger Woodbury"
Subject: Re: [V8] Audi 300 (V8)

> Excellent translation Dave.  It points out what it is relatively easy to
> remember:  The V8 Quattro was truly ahead of its time when introduced in
> 1990.

> I figured that it was over once again.
> But you never quite get "by" the V8 experience.  It isn't an S8 that will 
> do
> it, and Lord knows, NO A8 ever built is the same.  Plainly put the V8 is a
> tad rough around the edges. The ride is firm, and on our rough roads in
> eastern Maine, you FEEL the car working.  The A8 is quieter more refined,
> but it still isn't the same.
> Now, I have the "The Wraith"...it is a '90 V8 that had 62,000 miles when I
> bought it. It has been fully through the shop and runs better than new.  I
> LOVE my V8.  It is smoother, more economical and better than the '93 4.2 
> car
> that I bought with about the same miles. This one was pretty well kept.  I
> will drive this for a long time, and smile each and every mile.
> I love my V8. Did I say that?  Sorry.  The smile is so large that I
> forget....
> Roger
> P.S.  And I will soon be looking for another one.  This second car will be
> put away in the new barn that has yet to be built. All of this I hope to
> start next year, and my collection will begin at that time, too.  They're
> not making anything better, so I want to have one as long as I am driving.
> If it is anything like my late father, that will translate to thirty 
> years. 

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