[V8] On the end of the V8 because of fuel....

Bastian Preindl bastian at preindl.net
Wed Jun 4 05:40:36 PDT 2008

Hi people,

to be honest, it's somewhat a great fun for me to see also the US inhabs 
to struggle cause of the fuel prices. Since decades we Europeans 
jealously watched the US prices staying more or less still while our's 
raised and raised and raised.

Anyways, it's ridiculous to complain about your current prices - we 
(middle Europe including Austria, Germany and Denmark) pay approx. 2,3 
USD for 95OCT fuel, per LITER, not per gallon. And at least in Austria 
we've to add 2500 USD every year for taxes and insurance. But our income 
isn't really higher than yours.

So what?


Tim Hollister schrieb:
> Oh to see $3.95 again... $4.25 here for regular, not mid or premium.. btw my car takes premium at a paltry $4.45/gal

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