[V8] Inspection Help

urq urq at pacbell.net
Wed Jun 4 22:39:35 PDT 2008

... excellent advice ... the other thing I'd recommend before digging into
the instrument cluster is to make sure the inspector isn't expecting to see
the light come on when the engine is started.  If so, the solution may be as
simple as disconnecting the airbag module.  When I had the problem with the
CAT temp sensor I found that by pulling the controller the light would come
on when the car is started ... and never afterward ... 

On #344 I too have the airbag light on ... I pulled the codes with ProDiag
and it told me the resistance of the clock spring was too high ... the light
comes back on after resetting.  I've got the replacement clock spring from
Bruce ... still haven't had a need to install, but then the car is due for a
smog check ... and right now it isn't smelling as though it would pass ...
but I wonder if they would fail a car on the airbag light? 

If the check engine light on your car is coming on it almost means that you
have a California spec car, as the "49" state cars have the light
deliberately disconnected.  You can always track down the connector behind
the console and disconnect it to shut off the CEL ...

Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)

-----Original Message-----

I`d pull and erase the fault codes. If you're lucky, the airbag light 
might stay off after deleting the fault code. When my alternator voltage 
regulator acted up a while ago my airbag light stayed on, too (even 
after replacing the regulator) but it went back to normal after erasing 
the fault code from the ECU.

A good alternative for the rubber VAG brake line parts would be the 
stainless steel hoses made by goodridge 

bblake1055 at aol.com wrote:
> I recently took one of the 93's in for Virginia State inspection and it
failed for "Air Bag" light and cracked brake line hoses.
> Is there a way to disconnect the Air Bag Light and Check Engine Light?
> Also is there a good contact for new brake line hoses?

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